Tweet at your MP.
Want to fight or a greener, healthier, more equitable world!? Tweet your MP!
Creating a greener, more peaceful, and equitable world will only be possible when we can stop running from crisis to crisis. The time is now to tell your Member of Parliament (MP) that Canada must step up to fight climate change.
Here are a few examples:
A greener world starts with an investment in climate resilient food systems. This is a critical response in the fight against #malnutrition, #climatechange and #genderinequality.
We need to move faster on climate action. Investing in climate resilient food systems helps restore #biodiversity, #fighthunger and build #genderequality.
The fight against climate change can’t be won without investments in our food systems. Climate resilient food systems build #biodiversity and #genderequality while fighting #hunger.
#COVID19, #conflict and #climatechange have left 45 million people worldwide at extreme risk of famine. The time is now to invest in climate resilient food systems.