Federal Budget 2024
Canadian Aid Sector Welcomes Budget Boost for Humanitarian Needs
Ottawa, April 16, 2024 - A coalition of Canadian international cooperation organizations welcomes new funding for humanitarian programs committed as part of Federal Budget 2024. The coalition recognizes that this new investment comes in a complex economic environment for Canada and emphasizes the need for the government to continue to play its part on the global stage.
With today’s announcement of $350 million over two years in additional humanitarian aid, the government is taking an important step toward addressing some of the most pressing global needs. This additional funding to the International Assistance Envelope (IAE) has the potential to go towards addressing some of the world’s most devastating crises, including the war in the Middle East, internal chaos in Haiti, civil unrest in Sudan, and crises in Yemen and the Sahel.
As the international community grapples with unprecedented challenges, the Canadian aid sector remains steadfast in its commitment to alleviating suffering and advancing progress across the globe. The coalition, led by the Bigger Than Our Borders campaign, Cooperation Canada, Canadian Partnership for Women and Children’s Health (CanWaCH) and other advocacy groups, pledges to continue advocating for a robust commitment to international assistance as Canada is slated to host the Group of Seven (G7) countries next year. We encourage the government to use the upcoming G7 Presidency to further demonstrate its leadership by engaging other nations towards reversing the global decline in official development assistance.
"This budget is addressing one of the most urgent situations right now globally: the desperate situation for millions of people suffering from humanitarian crises and conflicts. From Gaza to Sudan, Haiti to Yemen, humanitarian needs are surging and decades of progress on development are perilously under threat. We welcome this investment in humanitarian aid, and look forward to further critical investments in long-term development assistance”, said Kate Higgins, Cooperation Canada’s CEO, representing over 100 Canadian international development and humanitarian organizations. “Aligned with Canada's Feminist International Assistance Policy, this investment will support life-saving programs in communities in crisis, while also supporting global security and prosperity for Canada.”
The international cooperation sector also welcomes that Budget 2024 makes new commitments to enhance Canadian engagement with international financial institutions to make them more responsive to emerging global threats. The budget also points to future initiatives that will seek to catalyze private and philanthropic sources of funding in support of international assistance.
"Canadians expect their government to invest in the long-term safety and security of the country. In a world order distorted by conflict and crisis, Canada is being called on to find global pathways to peace. We celebrate today's investment in humanitarian aid that will reach and support women and children in their most vulnerable moments through high impact interventions that save lives and help children reach their full potential,” said Julia Anderson, CEO of the Canadian Partnership for Women and Children’s Health.
About Cooperation Canada
Since 1968, Cooperation Canada has brought together Canadian civil society organizations working in international development and humanitarian assistance. With over 100 members, we work with partners in Canada and around the world to build a fairer, safer and more sustainable world.
About Bigger Than Our Borders
Bigger than our Borders is a compelling campaign backed by NGOs that aims to drive the Canadian government towards a significant boost in foreign aid funding. With our deep commitment since 2018, Bigger than Our Borders unites with a collective of NGOs and philanthropic institutions to advocate for the government's increased contribution to international assistance, ensuring that it meets its responsibility and increases the current funding levels.
About the Canadian Partnership for Women and Children’s Health (CanWaCH)
The Canadian Partnership for Women and Children’s Health (CanWaCH) is a membership of more than 100 non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil society organizations (CSOs), academic institutions, health professional associations and private companies committed to advancing the health and rights of women, children and adolescents globally.
Contact Information:
Louis Belanger – Bigger Than Our Borders 613-265-4417 / lbelanger@biggerthanourborders.ca
Gabriel Karasz-Perriau – Cooperation Canada 514-945-0309 / gkaraszperriau@cooperation.ca
Megan Aikens – CanWaCH 613-504-2862 / maikens@canwach.ca
Note: The coalition of aid agencies represents a broad group of organizations working in the fields of advocacy, education, economic development, gender equality and women’s rights, women's and children’s health, sustainable livelihoods, food and water security, nutrition, human rights and good governance, all who work for a safer, fairer and more sustainable world.
The group includes:
Cooperation Canada / Coopération Canada
Canadian Partnership for Women and Children’s Health (CanWaCH) / Le Partenariat canadien pour la santé des femmes et des enfants (CanSFE)
Bigger than our Borders / Au-delà de nos frontières
Acted Canada
Action Against Hunger Canada
Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights
ADRA Canada
Alberta Council for Global Cooperation
Association québécoise des organismes de coopération international (AQOCI)
Atlantic Council for International Cooperation
Canadian Association for Global Health
Canada International Scientific Exchange Program (CISEPO)
Canadian Association of Midwives (CAM/ACSF)
Canadian Center for Women Empowerment
Canadian Feed The Children
Canadian Foodgrains Bank
Canadian Lutheran World Relief
Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief (CPAR)
Canadian Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases
CARE Canada
CDF Canada
Centre D’Étude et de Coopération Internationale (CECI)
Change for Children
ChildCare International
Children Believe
Climate Action Network Canada (CAN-Rac)
Coady Institute
Collaboration Santé Internationale
Compassion Canada
Crossroads International
Cuso International
Development and Peace ― Caritas Canada
Développement international Desjardins (DID)
Effect Hope (The Leprosy Mission Canada)
End Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Canada Network
Equality Fund
Equitas-International Centre for Human Rights Education
Farm Radio International
Food for the Hungry Canada
Global Citizen
Grandmothers Advocacy Network
Habitat for Humanity Canada
HelpAge Canada
Hope and Healing International
HOPE International Development Agency
Humanitarian Coalition
Humanity & Inclusion Canada
Hungry For Life International
International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO)
International Development and Relief Foundation (IDRF)
International Development Enterprises (iDE) Canada
Islamic Relief Canada
Jane Goodall Institute of Canada
Journalists for Human Rights (JHR)
KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives
Kentro Christian Network
Lawyers Without Borders Canada / Avocats sans frontières Canada
Manitoba Council for International Cooperation
Maternal and Infant Health Canada
Maternity Today
Médecins du Monde Canada
Mennonite Central Committee Canada
Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA)
Mission inclusion
Never Again International - Canada
Northern Council for Global Cooperation
Nutrition International
ONE Canada
One Drop Foundation
Ontario Council for International Cooperation
Orbis Canada
Oxfam Canada
Partners In Health Canada
Plan International Canada
Presbyterian World Service & Development
Results Canada
Right To Play International
Santé Monde
Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation
Save the Children Canada
Seva Canada
SOS Children’s Villages Canada
Trade Facilitation Office (TFO) Canada
UPA Développement international
Veterinarians without Borders Canada
WaterAid Canada
The Wellspring Foundation for Education
Women’s Global Health Innovations - Bfree Cup
World Accord International Development Agency
World Renew
World University Service of Canada (WUSC)
World Vision Canada
ZMQ Global
We are Bigger than our Borders, a compelling campaign backed by NGOs that aims to drive the Canadian government towards a significant boost in foreign aid funding. With our deep commitment since 2018, Bigger than Our Borders unites with a collective of NGOs and philanthropic institutions to advocate for the government's increased contribution to international assistance, ensuring that it meets its responsibility and increase the current funding levels.